
Metal Maze Dice: Solid Metal Dice for Tabletop Roleplaying

Created by Modern Artifice

Metal Dice that feature an endless Maze theme in a variety of colors and platings.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Last Bits!
over 2 years ago – Thu, May 19, 2022 at 02:21:03 AM

Hello Adventurers! 

By now most of the packages are circulating onto their destinations! I noticed during packing that there was some chipping that had been going on with the toxic tunnels as that's the only they said that uses the green enamel, I'm going over and double checking those and reapplying enamel for quality control! If you have a set of toxic tunnels in your order there might be a slight delay on it, if you receive it in and have problems with it please let me know and I can get that fixed for you immediately! Thank you all for your patience and please enjoy your dice when they arrive shortly!

Almost Done!
over 2 years ago – Sat, May 14, 2022 at 03:16:11 AM

Hello Adventurers! 

Just an update as people are asking and sometimes comments are hard to respond to/find on kickstarter!  

I am about halfway done with the orders, and the remainder should be finished/sent out on monday! I will post another update as soon as I've finished/done the drop off and am thankful of all of you for your patience and understanding, and bringing this project to life!  As always if for whatever reason you have any issues with your order or delivery etc.... my email is always open! [email protected]

Thank you again!

Guiseppe Martino

Modern Artifice

Trays are in, Addresses are ready to lock, and orders going out!!!
over 2 years ago – Sun, Apr 24, 2022 at 04:24:09 PM

I am so happy I can finally post this!!! Leather trays have arrived and I'm going to begin locking addresses so you should have about 72 hours or so to make adjustments as needed! After that time period we're going to start shipping out orders! Thank you all for bearing with me on waiting to get these over here! As always if throughout any part of the delivery process you have questions comments or concerns please feel free to message me at [email protected]

Leather Dice Trays

Fulfillment Update
over 2 years ago – Tue, Mar 22, 2022 at 03:50:21 AM

Hello adventurers!

All of the dice sets have finally been made, and I am eagerly awaiting shipping them out to you! We are just now waiting on the leather dice trays and the leather dice boxes. Currently, they are being produced by our production partner in Shenzen CN! As there is currently a quarantine going on right there there is a little bit of a delay. However, we do not see these delaying things more than about three weeks! The bulk of the work is already been done as soon as they come in we will then lock the addresses, you are free to still update them in that time, and I will send out an email between 24 to 48 hours before we start the initial shipments and should get all shipments out between 1 to 2 days out after the addresses lock! Thank you all for being with us on this journey and standing by us amid the bumps in the road, we had much easier than most which we are thankful for. And we listen to your feedback and I think you'll be very excited about what is coming next!


Modern Artifice

Almost finished!
over 2 years ago – Mon, Feb 21, 2022 at 11:20:20 PM

Hello Adventurers!

Most of the Dice sets have been enameled and inked.  I am going through them as fast as I can! We have a whopping 672 Sets! It looks like our estimates were on track and we should be in line with our projected timelines.  After I finish up the dice I will post another update to check addresses before we lock them!  Thank you all for your patience and support I can't wait to see all the lovely pictures of you all enjoying these works of art!


Modern Artifice